Friday, January 2, 2009

Bible Reading

For those who might be interested, here is a good collection of Bible reading plans for the New Year.

I am going to go with the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan because it allows for a few days of falling behind each month and being the procrastinator that I am I find this helpful in order to stay on track. You can read about John Piper's reasons for going with this plan as well. It's like God has given me permission to fall behind which reminds me that I am under grace and not under law and that my Bible reading should be from desire and not compulsion.

At any rate, I highly recommend using a Bible reading plan.




Dwayne Forehand said...

I don't think I have ever used a Bible reading plan. This may explain why I've never read through the bible front to back... I'll check out the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kristian. This is a great encouragement for me. I tend to gravitate to the same Scripture: mainly Paul's Epistles , some OT, and selected sections of the Gospels. But there is so much MORE.

I'm also going to check this out.


Dwayne Forehand said...

I'm in!